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Most dogs, cats, small animals and horses shed to some extent. The reason for shedding can be the diet, animal’s breed, age, hormonal status or the grooming routine of the pet owner. You will find here many interesting articles, facts, expert grooming tips and incentives.

Groom 5 min reading time

Brushing your pet daily

Brushing your pet’s fur is important to maintain the good condition of their coat and help reduce unwanted fur around your home. It also helps to strengthen the special bond between you and your pet. Here are some tips for how to groom your pet...

Groom 5 min reading time

Help, my pet doesn't like being groomed

As a pet owner, you know how important grooming is to your pet’s health. Time spent grooming your pet can also help strengthen the bond between you and can help you to relax, but sometimes pets aren’t so keen on the idea.

Deshed 5 min reading time

Hairy times: No shedding season without Furminator

Every year, pet owners have plenty to do in spring and autumn. Due to the changes in temperature, their furry friends start to shed and lose their undercoat. It’s a completely natural and necessary process. Read on to find out why regular grooming is...

Deshed 5 min reading time

Dogs with undercoat: recommended breeds for deshedding

Some breeds have coat textures that vary between individual dogs. These breeds are noted with an asterisk(*). Not all dogs in these breeds shed. If your dog sheds, the FURminator deShedding Tool will work on your dog.

Deshed 5 min reading time

Which cat breeds are recommended for an undercoat deshedding tool?

Some breeds have coat textures that vary between individual cats. These breeds are noted with an asterisk(*). Not all cats in these breeds shed. If your cat sheds, the FURminator deShedding Tool will work on your cat.